Met de zachte stopwas kan je snel en gemakkelijk kleine beschadigingen in het hout repareren.
How to use
Using a screwdriver or a sharp chisel, remove any splinters or damaged wood from the area to be repaired, in order to form a sound base for the application of the wax.
To correct the imperfections, cover the area with the product. To refill small chips, press the product directly in the hole, with the aid of a spatula, bring it out to level off. In case of particularly grained surfaces one can reproduce the grained effect by applying over with a spatula.
Once finished the filling stage, reclean the wood of grease or surplus filler, using steel wool”000″ or “0000” to get the furniture polished evenly.
To improve the shade, touch up with the Colour Edging Pen,Touch-up dye Pen,Graining Pen, Touch-up dye or Colour touch-up.
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